

수처리분리막기술 연구실 정보
Superior Memberane-based Advanced Research & Technology lab (SMART)Website
Track Professor Research
ESE Kwon, Young-Nam Aquatic chemistry and its application to the analysis and solution of specific chemical problems in aqueous solutions, Better understanding and application of membrane technology to water or wastewater treatment, Development of innovative technologies for the treatment of contaminated water
복사관측 연구실 정보
Environmental Radiation Monitoring LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Park, Sang Seo Air Pollution monitoring from ground, airborne and satellite remote sensing, Retrieval algorithm development for atmospheric pollutants, Long-range transport analysis & regional radiation effects for air pollution
청정에너지연구실 정보
Advanced Clean Energy LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Seo, Yongwon CO2 capture and storage, applications of gas hydrates to energy and environmental fields, gas storage and transportation, flow assurance and subsea engineering, desalination and water treatment
기후환경모델링 연구실 정보
Climate Environmental Modeling LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Lee, Myong-In Climate Modeling and Prediction, Global Carbon Cycle, Seasonal Forecast, Aerosol
응용환경생명공학연구실 정보
Applied Biotechnology Lab for EnvironmentWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Lee, ChangSoo Climate Modeling and Prediction, Global Carbon Cycle, Seasonal Forecast, Aerosols
환경원격탐사/인공지능 연구실 정보
Environmental remote sensing, Artificial intelligence for disaster monitoring and prediction, Data and algorithm fusionWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Im, Jungho Remote sensing of terrestrial and coastal ecosystem responses to climate variability, Polar remote sensing, Remote sensing data assimilation and applications, Natural and man-made disaster monitoring and assessment using remote sensing and GIS.
Sense Laboratory/도시환경 감각연구소 정보
Sense Laboratory/도시환경 감각연구소Website
Track Professor Research
ESE Cho, Jaeweon Science with Humanities and Arts, Environment Ethics, Meta-modernism in Science and Arts
환경분석화학 연구실 정보
Environmental Analytical Chemistry Lab (EACL)Website
Track Professor Research
ESE Choi, Sung-Deuk Multimedia monitoring and modeling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), Monitoring of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), Emerging contaminants and their environmental fates, Influence of climate change on carbon cycle and the fate of toxic chemicals
도시계획 및 분석 연구실 정보
Urban Planning and Analytics LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
UIE Kim, Jeongseob Affordable Housing, Housing Policy, Neighborhood Dynamics, Mixed Income Communities, Urban Regeneration, Infill and Redevelopment, Social Diversity, Social Inequality , Community Resilience, Social Vulnerability, Policy Evaluation, Quantitative Analysis. GIS
지속가능구조시스템/재료 연구실 정보
Sustainable Structural Systems and Materials LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
UIE Shin, Myoungsu Earthquake-resistant design, modeling, and assessment of civil infrastructure, Design optimization of tall buildings subjected to multi-hazards, High performance eco-friendly construction materials (e.g., fiber-reinforced, sulfur, self-healing composites), Ultrasonic NDTs, Decontamination of radioactive concrete waste
Nano-AIMS 구조재료 실험실 정보
Nano-AIMS Structural Materials LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
UIE Oh, Jae Eun Low carbon construction materials, Micro- and nanostructure of structural concrete, Alkali-activated inorganic binder (geopolymer binder)
지속가능도시계획 연구실 정보
Sustainable Urban Planning LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
UIE Cho, Gi-Hyoug Relationship between human behavior and the active built environment, Application of GIS and spatial analysis on urban planning, Sustainable transportation planning
건설/교통 고성능 재료 연구실 정보
Innovative Materials for Construction and Transportation (IMCT) LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
UIE Pyo, Sukhoon Development of sustainable & innovative construction materials, eco-friendly Low-cost UHPC and its application in railway infrastructures, Innovative concrete fabrication using laser technology for deconstructing nuclear power plant
지반지진공학 연구실 정보
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Research GroupWebsite
Track Professor Research
DME Kim, ByungMin Ground motion amplifications due to site and basin effects, Ground motion prediction model, Landslides, Liquefaction, Seismic risk assessment
대기환경영향 연구실 정보
Air quality impact assessment Research LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
DME Song, ChangKeun Atmospheric chemistry and Impact assessment, Integrated Approach of Air Quality and Climate Change, Korean Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Satellite(GEMS)
구조신뢰성 연구실 정보
Structural Reliability and Disaster Risk LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
DME Lee, YoungJoo Structural reliability, Network reliability, Disaster risk assessment, Risk-based structural design and maintenance, Computer-aided risk analysis
재난안전정책및안전디자인 연구실 정보
Risk Management Policy & Safety Design LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
DME Chung, JiBum Risk Management, Disaster Management, Risk Communication, Safety Design
재해기상예측 연구실 정보
High-impact Weather Prediction LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
DME Cha, DongHyun Development of Numerical Models for Weather and Climate, Real-time Weather Forecasting & Regional Climate Modeling, Generation of Future Climate Change Scenario
지속가능생물공학연구실 정보
Biotechnology Laboratory for Environmental Sustainability and SurvivabilityWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Bae, Hyokwan Energy neutrality of wastewater treatment, Carbon storage using microalgae, Energy-saving nitrogen removal, Bacterial community structure for biogas production, Machine learning for system optimization
청정 산화환원 및 전기화학 연구실 정보
Redox and electrochemistry advancing clean technologies (REACT) LabWebsite
Track Professor Research
ESE Kim, Kwiyong Electrochemical separations, Electrochemical water/air purification, Resource (metal, nutrient) recovery
지속가능 스마트지반공학 연구실 정보
Sustainable Smart Geotechnical (SSG) Lab Website
Track Professor Research
DME Jongmuk Won Sustainability of geotechnical infrastructure, Data-driven geotechnical engineering, Clay science for geotechnical applications, Geoenvironmental engineering