[G] 2019-1 Change and Dropping of Degree Program
2018.12.14I’d like to notify you of the schedule for change and dropping of degree program in 2019 1st semester.
1. Change Program : MS -> MS-Ph.D
1) Qualification : Students who have acquired more than 16 credits, and whose GPA is 3.7 or higher
2) Application Period : 2019.01.02.(Wed)~ 01.08.(Tue)
3) Documents to submit : Application (attached 1), Transcript
2. Dropping Degree : MS-Ph.D -> MS
1) Qualification : None
2) Application Period : 2019.01.02.(Wed)~ 01.08.(Tue)
3) Documents to submit : Application (attached 2)
4) Note : MS’s class year is 3 years(6 semesters), so he/she should graduate within 6th semester.
In case of the Ph.D student is already over 6th semester, he/she must graduate in a semester dropping of degree or he/she will get expelled.(UNIST Graduate School Regulation 13)