

[연구실 소식] 김병민 교수 2022.01~05

– 국내/외 학회참석

지반공학회 참석 (김병민 교수님, Peddinti 박사님, 하성준 박사님, 문은비, 허예은)
하성준 박사님- 옹벽의 거동에 대한 지진파 비대칭성의 영향성
Peddinti 박사님- 무인항공기를 활용한 자동 도로 점검
문은비- 기계학습을 이용한 일본 암반에서의 지반운동 예측모델 개발
허예은- 초동 P파의 지속시간 및 진폭 특성

지진공학회 참석 (김병민 교수님, 조영규 박사님, 이준영, 서환우, 이혜진)
조영규 박사님- 현장 및 실내실험을 활용한 포항 액상화 평가
이준영- 지형효과를 고려한 포항 분지 지진파 증폭 모델 개발
이혜진- 국내 특성에 적합한 최적의 지반 운동 감쇠식 선정
서환우- 포항시 액상화 확률 모델 개발

2022 Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting 참석 (김병민 교수님, 김지송, 서환우, 문은비, 허예은)
김지송- Machine Learning-based Models to Predict Ground Motion Intensity in South Korea
서환우- Development of geospatial liquefaction probability models for M5.4 Pohang earthquake, South Korea
문은비- Estimation of VS30 using the P-wave seismogram method in California, USA
허예은- Characteristics of Pulse Duration and Amplitude of P-wave Seismograms in Korea and Japan

20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2022 참석 (김병민 교수님, 서환우)

– 연구논문게재 (2022.01~2022.05)
1. Junyoung Lee, Kwang-Hee Kim, Su Young Kang, Moon Son, and Byungmin Kim* (2022), Shear-wave velocity map for Pohang Basin, South Korea, based on the P-wave seismogram method, Earthquake Spectra (accepted)
2. Dongyoup Kwak, Jae-Kwang Ahn, Hwanwoo Seo, Sinhang Kang, and Byungmin Kim* (2022), Single-path ground motioni amplifications during the 2020 Haenam, South Korea, swarm, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (accepted)
3. Hwanwoo Seo, Jisong Kim, and Byungmin Kim* (2022), Machine learning-based surface ground motion prediction models for South Korea with low-to-moderate seismicity, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (published online)
4. Yumin Ji, Hwanwoo Seo, Sinhang Kang, Han-Saem Kim, Jongkwan Kim, and Byungmin Kim* (2022), MASW-based shear wave velocities for predicting liquefaction-induced sand boils: a case study of the 2017 M5.4 Pohang, South Korea, earthquake, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v148 (4): 04022004
5. Heon-Joon Park, Hyejin Lee, and Byungmin Kim* (2022), Correction factors for GMMs considering site and topographic effects in South Korea, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (published online)
6. Sinhang Kim and Byungmin Kim* (2022), Effects of coupled hydro-mechanical model considering dual-phase fluid flow on potential for shallow landslides at a regional scale, Natural Hazards (published online)
7. Byungmin Kim*, Yumin Ji, Mirae Kim, Young-Joo Lee, Hyeonggu Kang, Nu-Ri Yun, Hyewon Kim, and Junghan Lee (2022), Building damage caused by the 2017 M5.4 Pohang, South Korea, earthquake, and effects of ground conditions, Journal of Earthquake Engineering (published online)